École Sherwood Park Elementary
North Vancouver School District
Health Information

Please review the protocols mentioned below regarding when to keep a sick child at home. These guidelines have been provided by Vancouver Coastal Health.​

Keep you child at home if she/he has any of the following symptoms:

  • fever
  • cough, sore throat
  • body aches
  • headaches
  • chills and fatigue
  • vomiting or diarrhea
  • constant runny nose
  • a suspected or known communicable disease
Consider the following:
  • The illness can spread to other children, their families and school staff.
  • Recovery can be delayed without adequate rest.
  • The school's inability to care for a child when she/he is sick.​​​

For more information call: Public Health at 604-983-6700, your family doctor or Health Link BC, 24 hours a day at 811, or see this link:

 When Should I Keep My Sick Child Home From School (sd44.ca)

Here are some additional links to help support your child's health:

Getting Rid of Head Lice.pdf

Concussion Information.pdf

Kindergarten Poster September.pdf

Click on the following to link to the Healthy Schools website:

Click on the following to link to the Action Schools website:


École Sherwood Park Elementary

4085 Dollar Road, North Vancouver, BC, V7G 1A5 | 604.903.3810 604.903.3811 | sherwoodpark@sd44.ca